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Looking for present motion exhibition setup, at KED 2017.

Date: -September 2017
Location: -KED, Karantina ,Beirut
Event: -Looking for present motion .
Idea: -To combine painting, dance and sound
-To show 29 paintings as minerals
-To encourage an attitude of exploration.
-To create opportunities of synchorinicty

Method: - An anti chamber greets visitors with a mic
pointed towards them and a video
projected in front of them.
-Visitors ignite the playing of random pre
recorded samples on the speakers of the
exhibition space and the anti chamber
through their interaction with the mic.
-The video shows a butoh dance
performance in the valley of Jannit
-Left and right on the walls of the anti
chamber are the texts of the artists.
-A table with magnifying glasses placed
on top invites people to use one in their
exploration of the paintings.
-The paintings were exhibited on
stretched black velvet panels with a
dedicated spotlight for each one.
Making the panels light and easy to
mount and dismount.

Collaborators:-Retrieving Beirut, Ked , Mme Chandelier
(sound installation), Ahlam Dirani (Butoh
dance performance), Maria Zalloum
(video photography and editing)
Much help provided by:Cornelia Kraft, Fernando, Amandine, Ali, Lea

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